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History of Tripoura


Regeneration and Rejuvenation Through Yoga and Yoga Therapy

Tripoura Centre offers Creative Integration retreats to awaken and enhance our creative and evolutionary potential through the connection between body, heart and consciousness.

For Whom?

For anyone who wants to take back the power over their own life, health, and creative potential. For those who aspire to a more balanced, joyous and peaceful way of being.


Our modern way of life generates stress, confusion and instability, lack of motivation and purpose. Our disconnect from nature and our own inner voice can lead to illness in individuals and and society. We can help.


Acquire simple and practical tools, that will counter unhealthy habits with life enhancing techniques. Welcome to the “joie de vivre” which is our true nature.

We Offer Three Progressive and Complimentary Retreat Programs:

  1. Introduction (3 days)


The aim of this workshop is to help you adopt new, simple habits, bringing about a concrete change in your lifestyle. A holistic vision of health invites us to take into account all aspects of our being: physical, biological, psychological, and spiritual.


Living Food, charged with Prana, (vital energy), activates and stimulates the life force within, making us more alive and joyous.

The quality of our digestion directly influences our brain, hence our thoughts. In this way, food has the power to modify our perceptions. Experience organic, light and delicious food which will restore optimal digestion and health.

Which foods should you keep and which should you avoid? What is the alkaline/acid balance? Which are the best food combinations? These are some of the topics covered.

Given each person’s individuality, discover how to determine what is the best diet for you.


The great changes presently happening in the world, and those that are yet to come require us to adapt. It is urgent and necessary to fortify our nervous system as well as our physical body. Simple practices designed to increase the circulation of energy within, help us to be fully and consciously present in our body. Practices will be adapted to each individual.


Mandala is a powerful tool for psychic readjustment. It fosters relaxation, concentration, and creativity, and promotes cerebral integration.

And more… learn to nourish your Well Being through contact with nature: Slow down, look, listen, feel, walk, contemplate.

(Link to Next Workshop)

  1. Regeneration (5 days)


In order to live in full health, it is important to adopt a hypo-toxic way of life and to undergo periodic detoxification. We will introduce you to simple practices that will clean the physical body as well as the emotions and psyche. It is only by getting rid of heaviness and poisons that we can open ourselves to the life force and “joie de vivre” and to come to experience our full potential.

  1. Integration and Deepening (7 days))


Celebrate the beauty of life through creativity and meditation.
